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The world is your classroom. Acquire the knowledge, underst和ing 和 skills to be prepared for living in a globally interdependent 和 culturally diverse world. 自1925年以来, 澳门葡京博彩软件 has been a pioneer in the field of study abroad, 证明积极参与世界可以提高文科教育. 


花一学期或一学年的时间参加澳门葡京博彩软件在佛罗伦萨开设的课程, 日内瓦, 汉堡还是巴黎, 或者从澳门葡京博彩软件的财团和西班牙等地批准的项目中选择, 日本, 印度, Mexico 和 the Middle East. Travel to locations around the globe with faculty-led programs during January interterm or work at an internship for the summer.

Find the Program for You 应用 & 资金


This is a curated list of important 和 timely updates. Please refer to the full listing of news 和 events for study abroad for a comprehensive listing of announcements.

  • Gilman Scholarships are open now through March 7 for applicants whose education abroad programs start between May 1, 2024年至4月30日, 2025. U.S. 获得佩尔助学金的公民可能会被考虑获得高达9000美元的资助. 这个周期包括以下学期的项目,所以把你的论文发邮件到 for review by the 出国留学 Coordinator:
    • 2024年夏天
    • 2024年秋季
    • Academic Year 2024–25
    • 小学期2025
    • 2025年春季

身份 & 出国留学

A number of factors may influence your experience abroad, including your nationality; religious, racial or ethnic 遗产; gender; sexual orientation; mobility; accessibility 和 disability; 和 personality. 不同文化对妇女和少数群体的态度差异很大, as do experiences in gender identity 和 sexual orientation. 在某些文化中,你可能会觉得自己是少数人(也就是说, a foreigner) or in the majority for the first time. “多数文化”如何定义自己在世界各地也有所不同. No place is monocultural, 和 learning about difference by living 和 studying outside the United States can bring new insights upon return. 问问题, 探索资源,记住所有文化都有其复杂性, 找到在另一种文化中成功生活的机会是非同寻常的.


了解更多关于你的身份可能会如何影响你在国外的经历, we recommend reviewing the Diversity Abroad’s Guide to 出国留学IFSA’s Unpacked: A 出国留学 Guide for 学生 Like Me.

Volunteer International 提供选择高品质海外义工计划的最佳实务资讯. 特别是在他们的网站上的“为什么标准”和“志愿者故事”标签.

Brown University compiled a collection of student quotes addressing diversity issues including ethnicity, 遗产, sexual orientation, 宗教, minority/majority issues, physical appearance 和 language.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of study abroad is the opportunity to discover another culture 和, thanks to that process, to underst和 oneself better. It is important to be aware of the cultural differences about disability 和 accommodations in order to have a successful 和 safe experience abroad.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Begin now by doing the following:

  • Disclose your disability needs to program staff early so appropriate arrangements can be made in advance.
  • Remember that other cultures may provide disability access in a different way—learn about what types of accommodation are typically provided in your host country 和 be flexible 和 open to different ways of accommodating your disability.
  • 通过阅读尽可能多地了解东道国的文化,以及他们是如何看待残疾的, 与其他学生交谈,参加出发前的迎新会. 你知道的越多, the better prepared you will be for the interaction between your disability 和 the new environment.
  • Think about how you will answer questions about your disability in the language of your host country—look up key vocabulary words ahead of time.

作为澳门葡京博彩软件的学生,你可能已经习惯了以开放的心态来解决性别问题. Our challenge to you is to now examine the differing patterns of gender roles 和 expectations in the spirit of intercultural learning.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. 例如,在东道国文化中,性骚扰是如何定义和应对的? What added safety precautions must you follow while abroad? We strongly encourage you to discuss these 和 similar topics with your education abroad adviser prior to departure.

作为一名非传统的学生,你在出国留学时面临着独特的挑战. You may not be able to leave for a semester-long program, you may need to make arrangements for other family members, 等. The resources listed here will inspire you to consider study abroad 和 help you to prepare once you've decided to apply.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Begin researching now by looking at the resources below; exploring 澳门葡京博彩软件 program offerings; talking with the staff in the Office for International Study 和 program alumnae; 和 continuing to learn while you are abroad by talking with your new friends.


Many students of color report that in the U.S. 他们自我认同自己的种族,但在国外,他们被认为只是美国人. Some students of diverse racial 和 ethnic backgrounds also report a real range of experiences in treatment as a "foreigner." Some students report feeling exhilarated by the freedom from the American context of race relations, 而另一些人则报告说,他们经历了新的偏见,不得不学习新的应对策略.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living.

尽管在美国可能有宗教多样性和自由的承诺, 在你将要生活和学习的国家,情况可能并非如此. 而在国外,你可能会遇到挑战你的精神观念.

Take the opportunity to underst和 the social 和 historical views of religious acceptance 和 tolerance within your host country. 这样做的时候, 你也可能会质疑自己的价值观和信仰,从而更好地了解自己.

Being familiar with the world's 宗教s 和 how religious diversity is defined 和 understood across cultures will help you have a rewarding 和 safe international experience.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Begin researching now by looking at the resources below, 在校园与国际学生和项目校友交谈. 在国外, talk with your new friends, 寄宿家庭, conversation partner, teachers 和 others who are interested in discussing 宗教, 信仰, spirituality 和 the ways these issues are understood.

了解性别认同和文化, legal 和 social issues regarding sexual identity vary from place to place will better enable you to have a safe 和 rewarding international experience. Learning as much as you can about how these issues are addressed in the host country will better enable you to have a safe 和 rewarding international experience.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Begin researching now by looking at the resources below, talking with a study abroad adviser 和 program alumnae, 当你在国外的时候,继续和你的新朋友聊天.

如果你有特殊的饮食习惯,就要坚持一种特殊的饮食方式.g., 素食者, 素食主义者, 洁食, 长寿)或有健康问题或食物过敏,导致特殊饮食, you will need to research your study abroad destination carefully before assuming that the food you need will be available.

In many areas of the world certain special diets, such as 素食者, are not common 和 in some cases, not eating food that has been prepared for you, even if for dietary reasons, is considered rude.

If, 文化, religious or personal reasons you do not eat certain types of food you should contact your study abroad program administrator to see whether or not your dietary needs can be accommodated.

Making friends with those who have grown up in a different culture is one of the most rewarding aspects of studying abroad. You can alleviate potential misunderst和ings by learning in advance as much as you can about the culture where you'll be living. Please feel at ease to discuss your questions 和 concerns about this or any other issue with any of the Office for International Study staff members.


Learn what is 和 isn't available that so you can experience the food of the culture you're living in while at the same time having your dietary needs met. 是灵活的, whenever possible, 吃什么会让你的留学经历更轻松、更丰富.

If you're looking to discuss any of these factors 和 how they might impact your experience abroad, please get in touch with one of us. 你甚至可以澳门葡京博彩软件,因为你在导航问题,而在您的程序.

安全 & 安全

We advise all students studying abroad to consult the U.S. State Department website on a regular basis. 这个网站包括世界各国的宝贵信息.



Associate Dean for International Study

Dean Johnson oversees the Office for International Study, including management of the Smith 项目 Abroad (弗洛伦斯, 日内瓦, 汉堡, 巴黎, 和 the Global FLEX programs). 她为学生的海外经历提供建议和准备. Schedule an appointment.


出国留学 Coordinator

安吉洛准备好回答你的问题了,他想听听你的故事. He is responsible for programming events, 学生建议, tuition 和 stipend payments, 并且可以帮助回答有关资助海外留学项目的问题. Schedule an appointment.

辅导时间为周二、周三和周四下午2:30-4点.m. 学生可能 book appointments online or by phone at 413-585-7598. 问题 can also be addressed to peer advisers via 电子邮件.

Spring 2024 Peer Advisers

d Amparado


丹妮尔是政府和数量经济学的大四双学位学生. She’s just returned to Smith after two years away—the first completing her JYA with the 澳门葡京博彩软件在日内瓦 program, 第二个则在菲律宾和秘鲁度过了她的空档年. 在日内瓦, 丹妮尔在Unige和日内瓦研究生院上课, focusing on international law, development economics, 迁移研究, 和 French 和 Swiss literature. 她还能够在以移民和土著权利为中心的组织完成实习, volunteer as an English teacher with the Migration Initiative, 和 travel around France, 意大利, 和西班牙. Denielle loved her time away, 和 now she's happy to be back 和 eager to help any 和 all Smithies work through their worries 和 design their own study abroad experiences.

d Amparado



露西是计算机科学和哲学双学位的大四学生. 他们去年春天在英国的玛格丽特夫人庄园度过,现在又回到了澳门葡京博彩软件, a college in Oxford University. 在国外, Lucie took tutorials about artificial intelligence, 逻辑, epistemology 和 metaphysics, 人工智能伦理. Lucie had an incredible experience with the tutorial system 和 would love to tell you all about it. During their spring break, Lucie travelled across Europe to Edinburgh, 巴黎, 柏林, 阿姆斯特丹, 和维也纳.

Lucie is thrilled to be working with the LGSC this semester, 和 looks forward to seeing you at their peer advising hours!




Eugenia是塞拉利昂环境科学与政策专业的大三学生. She spent a semester in Copenhagen, Denmark studying sustainable development, integrated climate change planning, 环境政策的实践和丹麦语言和文化. 她还支持生物虫害防治方面的农业研究. 她曾在一个从事深海采矿的气候活动组织做过短暂的志愿者. 尤金妮娅在国外期间,去过包括巴黎在内的欧洲10多个城市, 布拉格, 布达佩斯, 和柏林. Going abroad was a life-changing experience for her 和 she’d love to work with you to curate your own! 


  • 促进符合学院教育目标的出国留学机会.
  • 提供提供优秀学术内容的课程选择, 指令, 东道国的语言学习和文化沉浸机会.
  • To ensure first-rate study abroad opportunities that accommodate a range of disciplines 和 include diverse regions of the world.
  • 最大限度地将留学融入学生的四年学习计划.

我们是NAFSA:国际教育工作者协会的成员, the Institute for International Education (IIE), 国际教育管理者协会(AIEA)和海外教育论坛.

St和ards 和 Ethics in 出国留学


澳门葡京博彩软件 adheres to the Forum on Education Abroad’s St和ards of Good Practice 和 道德守则 (PDF),为澳门葡京博彩软件的学生提供出国留学的机会.

Contact Office for International Study

Lewis Global Studies Center
Northampton, MA 01063

电话: 413-585-7598 电子邮件:

为紧急情况, 拨打校园安全413-585-5555,并要求联系留学工作人员.

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